Mindfulness (follow-up) training

The Deepening Mindfulness & Mindful Communication training is a continuation of the 8-week mindfulness training. In six meetings you will deepen your mindfulness and learn the basics of mindful communication.

About the mindfulness (follow-up) training

Many people feel at home on the meditation cushion after some practice, but find it challenging to stay mindful in contact with others. Why is this so? And more importantly, what can we do about it? These questions are at the heart of the Deepening Mindfulness & Mindful Communication (DMMC) training. After all, the quality of our relationships is as important to our well-being as our individual mindfulness practice.

This training provides you with practical tools to communicate mindfully and authentically. You explore, improve and deepen your relationship with yourself and others. The training is based on an integral view of humanity, in which mind, body and interactions with others are inseparable.

Program of training

The DMMC training offers deepening mindfulness and stress reduction in the form of meditation, psychoeducation, mindful communication and body-oriented exercise. It is a broad-based follow-up training that rests on four pillars:

Deepening and broadening mindfulness skills


Communicating Mindfully


Increasing body awareness


Strengthening of the sedation system

The training consists of six meetings and an (optional) practice day. Between meetings you will practice at home and apply mindfulness in everyday life.

Participants rate the training with an average rating of 8.7!

Mindfulness training program

Integrating mindfulness into daily life, beyond the meditation cushion, into relationships with ourselves and others.

In 6 meetings, topics covered include

Meditation exercises

  • Calm Meditation: Develop calmness and concentration as the basis for clarity, wisdom and creativity
  • Gentleness Meditation: Become more gentle and kind toward yourself and others
  • Mindfulness meditation with feeling tone: Deepen your awareness and increase your insight
  • Value-based meditation: Live more from your values and give direction to your life
  • Body Awareness Meditation: Increase your body awareness

Psychoeducation and other exercises

  • Understanding how the brain works: Learn how the brain and stress affect our relationships
  • Needs: Discover the importance of needs and how to recognize and fulfill them, including in contact with others
  • Emotion regulation and motivation systems: Explore the three systems that regulate emotions and drive behavior
  • Autonomic nervous system: In relation to stress and well-being

Communicating Mindfully

  • Experiential mindful communication: Explore your own role and moods in contact
  • Mindful presence and attentive listening: Practice being fully present and attentive listening to yourself and others
  • Mindful Speaking: Develop skills to speak more mindfully and deepen and, where appropriate, improve relationships
  • Responding Mindfully in Conflict: Learn to respond connectively in conflict situations

Body-oriented exercises

  • Yin yoga: Increase body awareness and flexibility while reducing tension
  • Yoga Nidra: Experience deep relaxation and recovery through guided meditation that calms the body and mind. Possibly resulting in insight
  • Meditation and communication exercises: The body is essential in all meditation and communication exercises

The DMMC program is scientifically based. A two-year study in which participants participated shows significant improvements. You can find more information about this study and other relevant mindfulness studies on our science page. Read more.

for whom is mindful training

For whom.

The DMMC training is a continuation of the eight-week mindfulness training (MBSR/MBCT). People who have been introduced to meditation or yoga through other means are also welcome. If you are a mindfulness trainer, psychologist, coach or work with people in another way, you can also take the training directly. Read more.


The training consists of 6 meetings of 2.5 hours, one (optional) practice day, including a workbook, audio files, telephone intake and all training supplies. Check below for a training near you, start dates and rates.

"When you talk you repeat what you already know, when you listen you might learn something new." - Dalai Lama

Agenda for trainings

There are no upcoming events at this time.